The user friendliness of bank onboarding flows

UX Case study

Conceptual Project
1 week time period

User Interface
User Research
Information Architecture

Opening a bank account as a financially savvy user might be a breeze, but how do the brand new users fair?

My role in this project was to conduct user research paired with a competitor audit in order to rearrange information that benefits brand new users who want to open a bank account.


Definition from Google

The action or process of integrating a new employee into an organization or familiarizing a new customer or client with one's products or services.


"Potential customers want to know what their bank account offers before making the commitment or depositing money. Not having this information during the sign-up process might deter them from completing the form. Our solution should be to show what Savers Bank accounts has to offer along with the various details of their plans, so that users are more confident in opening an account."


Refining the initial onboarding flow of an online bank and finding out what competitors are doing so as to ensure we are showing the right details to potential users would be the first problem to tackle. Research found most banks required users to authenticate their identity even before setting up their accounts.

Although security is important for banks, having the authentication step right at the start is very daunting and can be a pain point; thus leading to an increase in drop-off rates. If new users are unsure of what the bank has to offer or the exact details of an account, they won't be confident enough to open an account with the bank.

User Journey

Through the competitor audit we had found that most banks had a similar user flow.

Following our project goal and users needs we created a new user flow for Savers onboarding process. This would ideally allow users to make a well-informed decision before opening their account.

Information Architecture

A sitemap was created for Saver to map out the content for the homepage. Focusing only on the sign-up flow it helped us understand where and how to house the different pages that was needed.

Despite having access to the information on the other pages, the main focus was to incorporate the account details into the onboarding flow. This would allow users to focus on the sign-up process without having to split up their attention.

Design Concept

Lo-fidelity wireframes were sketched and soon transitioned to digital ones.

A progress bar was explored in the wireframe ideation phase. This feature was thought to help with user conversion rates and ease of use, acting as a guide that brought users through their onboarding.

Lo-Fi Prototype & User Testing

Some user testing was conducted with A/B options after making a lo-fi prototype to see how effective the progress bar was with users.


The results from user testing validated some of our hypothesis and decisions

The choice of incorporating a progress bar was shown to be useful for users and their onboarding experience.
Having information on what the account provides was seen as a positive.
Users appreciated not having to go through the authentication process before finishing the account sign-up.

These insights gave us the motivation and confirmation that our design choices were headed in the right direction.

Final Product

Savers onboarding was made to allow users a more informative onboarding, giving them the information and letting them set a goal for their saving needs.

The conscious decision of only authenticating users when the account is opened was to ensure users did not run into any speed bumps along the way.


Do feel free to try out the live prototype below!

Conclusion & Reflection

  • The onboarding for Saver Bank allows users access to details of their account and plans so as to minimise confusion or uncertainty before signing up.
  • A progress bar acts as a guide for users, giving them more assurance.
  • Perhaps having more in-depth information would be a good choice to implement in the future.

Users enjoy having access to information in order to make the best decision for themselves. This will ultimately contribute to the overall experience when using a product or service.

One thing I missed out on was having more research regarding the pain point of authentication having to be done and how it would affect user conversion rate, this could further improve the onboarding process and streamline the user journey.